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Provence fabrics overview

Click on the selected fabric below to see all the details of each fabric.
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After seeing it, you can close the detail fabric window.

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buy the french cotton prints by yard in the Online-SHOP - almost all the fabrics cost 21.95 US $ per yard (0,92cm) - the shipment-cost to USA, Canada, Japan, Australia and New-Zealand are 40 US $ flat !!! (AIR-FREIGHT)


BLAU67 Tournesols bleu-jaune allover
Tournesols bleu-jaune allover (BLAU67)
BEIGE119 Tournesols blanc allover
Tournesols blanc allover (BEIGE119)
WEISS24 Tournesols orange allover
Tournesols orange allover (WEISS24)


BEIGE118 Tournesols orange allover
Tournesols-Pavot blanc allover (BEIGE118)


these normal cotton fabrics cost 21.95 US $ per yard - coated fabrics (green background) 24.95 US $ per yard
Goto the Online-Shop


ROT18 Grignon rouge stripes
Grignon rouge stripes (ROT18)
BEIGE15B Le clos des oliviers ecru stripes COATED
Le clos des oliviers ercu stripes COATED (BEIGE15B)
BEIGE16 Le clos des oliviers ecru allover
Le clos des oliviers ercu allover (BEIGE16)
BEIGE16B Le clos des oliviers ecru allover COATED
Le clos des oliviers ercu allover COATED (BEIGE16B)
BEIGE23 Olive de Mausanne ecru stripes
Olive de Mausanne ecru stripes (BEIGE23)
BEIGE23B Olive de Mausanne ecru stripes COATED
Olive de Mausanne ecru stripes COATED (BEIGE23B)
GRUEN36B Les Baux vert Patch allover COATED
Les baux vert patch allover COATED (GRUEN36B)
GRAU18 Sogues gris stripes
Sorgues gris stripes (GRAU18)
GRAU19 Sogues gris allover
Sorgues gris stripes (GRAU18)
BEIGE99B Lorgues naturel allover COATED
Lorgues naturel allover COATED (BEIGE99B)
BLAU20 Le clos des oliviers bleu stripes
Le clos des oliviers bleu stripes (BLAU20)
BLAU20B Le clos des oliviers bleu stripes COATED
Le clos des oliviers bleu stripes COATED (BLAU20B)
BLAU21  Le clos des oliviers bleu allover
Le clos des oliviers bleu allover (BLAU21)
BLAU21B  Le clos des oliviers bleu allover COATED
Le clos des oliviers bleu allover COATED (BLAU21B)
TERRA5B Le clos des oliviers terra stripes COATED
Le clos des oliviers terra stripes COATED (TERRA5B)
GRUEN27 Le clos des oliviers vert stripes
Le clos des oliviers vert stripes (GRUEN27)
GRUEN27B Le clos des oliviers vert stripes COATED
Le clos des oliviers vert stripes COATED (GRUEN27B)
GRUEN28 Le clos des oliviers vert allover
Le clos des oliviers vert allover (GRUEN28)
GRUEN28B Le clos des oliviers vert allover COATED
Le clos des oliviers vert allover COATED (GRUEN28B)
BLAU44 Oliveraie ciel allover
Oliveraie ciel allover (BLAU44)
TERRA6 Le clos des oliviers terra allover
Le clos des oliviers terra allover (TERRA6


TERRA6B Le clos des oliviers terra allover COATED
Le clos des oliviers terra allover COATED (TERRA6B)
ROT9 Le clos des oliviers rouge stripes
Le clos des oliviers rouge stripes (ROT9)
ROT9B Le clos des oliviers rouge stripes COATED
Le clos des oliviers rouge stripes COATED (ROT9B)
ROT10 Le clos des oliviers rouge allover
Le clos des oliviers rouge allover (ROT10)
ROT10B Le clos des oliviers rouge allover COATED
Le clos des oliviers rouge allover COATED (ROT10B)
ROT56B Le clos des oliviers rouge-terra allover COATED
Le clos des oliviers rouge-terra allover COATED (ROT56B)
ROT56 Le clos des oliviers rouge-terra allover
Le clos des oliviers rouge-terra allover (ROT56)
BLAU46 Olivia parme allover
Olivia parme allover (BLAU46)
these normal cotton fabrics cost 21.95 US $ per yard - coated fabrics and the fabrics LUSSAN (green background) 24.95 US $ per yard
Goto the Online-Shop


GELB26 Bouquet de Lavande jaune stripes
Bouquet de Lavande jaune stripes (GELB26)
GELB26B Bouquet de Lavande jaune stripes COATED
Bouquet de Lavande jaune stripes COATED (GELB26B)
GELB38 Bouquet de Lavande jaune allover
Bouquet de Lavande jaune allover (GELB38)
BEIGE34 Lavande-Pavot ecru stripes
Lavande-Pavot ecru stripes (BEIGE34)
BEIGE34B Lavande-Pavot ecru stripes COATED
Lavande-Pavot ecru stripes COATED (BEIGE34B)
GELB18 Lavande-Pavot jaune stripes
Lavande-Pavot jaune stripes (GELB18)
BEIGE109B Parfum ecru allover COATED
Parfum ecru allover COATED (BEIGE109B)
WEISS42 Tas de Lavande blanc stripes
Tas de Lavande blanc stripes (WEISS42)
BEIGE109 Parfum ecru allover
Parfum ecru allover (BEIGE109)
GRAU13 Tas de Lavande gris allover
Tas de Lavande gris allover (GRAU14)

GELB27 Tas de Lavande jaune stripes

Tas de Lavande jaune stripes (GELB27)

GELB27B Tas de Lavande jaune stripes COATED

Tas de Lavande jaune stripes COATED (GELB27B)

GELB34 Tas de Lavande jaune allover

Tas de Lavande jaune allover (GELB34)

GELB34B Tas de Lavande jaune allover COATED

Tas de Lavande jaune allover COATED (GELB34B)
WEISS52 Lavandines blanc allover
Lavandines blanc allover (WEISS52)
BLAU77 Lavande-Pavot bleu-clair stripes
Lavande-Pavot bleu-clair stripes (BLAU77)
BLAU77B Lavande-Pavot bleu-clair stripes COATED
Lavande-Pavot bleu-clair stripes COATED (BLAU77B)
1 yard rest
BLAUWEISS27 Grasse bleu-ecru Streifen
Grasse bleu ecru Streifen (BLAUWEISS27)
BEIGE77 Palmette-Lavande ecru allover
Palmette-Lavande ecru allover (BEIGE77)
WEISS42 Tas de Lavande blanc stripes
Tas de Lavande blanc allover COATED (WEISS51B)
GRAU13B Tas de Lavande gris stripes COATED
Tas de Lavande gris stripes COATED (GRAU13B)

BEIGE122B Baronnies naturel allover COATED

Baronnies naturel allover COATED (BEIGE122B)
GELB18B Lavande-Pavot jaune stripes COATED
Lavande-Pavot jaune stripes COATED (GELB18B)
BLAU49B Brin ecru-lavande stripes COATD
Brin ecru-lavande stripes COATED (BLAU49B)
BEIGE26 Bouquet de Lavande ecru stripes COATED
Bouquet de Lavande ecru stripes COATED (BEIGE26B)

these normal cotton fabrics cost 21.95 US $ per yard coated fabric (green background) 24.95 US $ per yard
Goto the Online-Shop


BLAUWEISS28 Avignon bleu-blanc stripes
Avignon bleu-blanc stripes (BLAUWEISS28)

3 yards rest

WEISS46 Mirabeau blanc-vert allover

Mirabeau blanc-vert allover (WEISS46)
GELB55 Vence jaune stripes
Vence jaune stripes (GELB55)
OCKER23 Vence jaune allover
Vence jaune allover (OCKER23)

BLAUWEISS26 Vence ciel-blanc stripes

Vence ciel-blanc stipes (BLAUWEISS26)

WEISS44 Vence ciel-blanc allover

Vence ciel-blanc allover (WEISS44)
GRAU11 Anjala gris stripes
Anjala gris stripes (GRAU11)
WEISS50 Sormiou blanc-bleu allover
Sormiou blanc-bleu allover
ROT53 Avignon rouge stripes
Avignon rouge stripes (ROT53)
WEISS41 Montsegur blanc-bleu allover
Montsegur blanc-bleu allover (WEISS41)

ROT47 Pashmina rouge allover

Pashmina rouge allover (ROT47)
BLAU78 Vence bleu allover
Vence bleu allover (BLAU78)
WEISS25 Paisley vert allover
Paisley vert allover (WEISS25)
ROT46 Vence rouge stripes
Vence rouge stripes (ROT46)
BLAUWEISS21 Fleurs Indiennes bleu-blanc stripes
Fleurs Indiennes bleu-blanc stripes (BLAUWEISS21)
ROSA17 Avignon ecru stripes
Avignon ecru stripes (ROSA17)
GRAU23 Avignon gris stripes
Avignon gris stripes (GRAU23)
ROT57 Vence rouge allover
Vence rouge allover (ROT57)

3 yards rest

BEIGE115 Mirabeau ecru-orange allover

Mirabeau ecru-blanc allover (BEIGE115)
GRUEN43 Petite Indiennes vert allover
Petite Indiennes vert allover (GRUEN43)

ROTBEIGE7 Castellane rouge stripes

Castellane rouge stripes (ROTBEIGE7)
WEISS47 Mirabeau blanc-bleu allover
Mirabeau blanc-bleu allover (WEISS47)
GRAU12 Anjala gris allover
Anjala gris allover (GRAU12)
WEISS26 Paisley bleu allover
Paisley bleu allover (WEISS26)

1 yard rest

GRUENWEISS1 Paisley vert stripes
Paisley vert stripes (GRUENWEISS1)


3 yards rest

ROSA15 Paisley framboise stripes

Paisley framboise stripes (ROSA15)
GRUEN46 Vence vert allover
Vence vert fleurs allover (GRUEN46)


GRUEN49 Vence vert allover
Vence vert allover (GRUEN48)
BLAUWEISS17 Anjala bleu-blanc stripes
Anjala bleu-blanc stripes (BLAUWEISS17)
ROSA16 Paisley framboise allover
Paisley framboise allover (ROSA16)
BUNT23 Paisley ecru-violett allover
Paisley ecru-violett allover (BUNT23)
BLAU75 Mini INdienne bleu-orange allover
Mini Indienne bleu-orange allover (BLAU75)

BLAU82 Gordes bleu allover
Gordes bleu allover (BLAU82)
ROT59 Gordes rouge allover
Gordes rouge allover (ROT59)

these normal cotton fabrics cost 21.95 US $ per yard (OCKER13 costs 30.95 per yard)

Goto the Online-Shop

traditional "Indiennes" fabrics

BEIGE110 Cygne fuchsia-orange allover
Cygne fuchsia-orange allover (BEIGE110)
ROT44 Indienne Paisley rouge stripes
Indienne Paisley rouge stripes (ROT44)
BLAUWEISS30 Fleurs des champs bleu allover
Fleurs des champs bleu allover (BLAUWEISS30)
2 yards rest

OCKER19 Cachemire jaune allover

Cachemire jaune allover (OCKER19)
SCHWARZ2 Indienne fabric Picoli noir allover
Indienne fabric Picoli noir allover (SCHWWARZ2)
BLAU68 Indienne Lorraine parme-taupe allover
Indienne Lorraine parme-taupe allover (BLAU68)
BEIGE112 Colombe ecru allover
Colombe ecru allover (BEIGE112)
BEIGE120 Bastide rouge allover
Bastide rouge allover (BEIGE120)
BUNT38 Cachemire noir allover
Cachemire noir allover (BUNT38)


WEISS36 Comptoir de indes blanc stripes
Comptoir de Indes blanc stripes (WEISS36)
WEISS35 Comptoir de indes blanc allover
Comptoir de Indes blanc allover (WEISS35)
ROT54 Cachemire rouge allover
Cachemire rouge allover (ROT54)
V713-33 Traditionell Indiennes cotton fabric
V716-22 Traditionell Indiennes cotton fabric
GRUEN45 Indienne fabric Picoli celadon allover
Indienne fabric Picoli celadon allover (GRUEN45)
GRUEN31 Moucheron vert allover
Moucheron vert allover (GRUEN31)
GRUEN32 Moucheron kaki allover
Moucheron kaki allover (GRUEN32)
BLAU70 Cachemire bleu allover
Cachemire bleu allover (BLAU70)
ROT58 Holi rouge allover
Holi rouge allover (ROT58)
BLAU80 Holi bleu allover
Holi bleu allover (BLAU80)
these reactive printed cotton fabrics cost 36 US $ per yard (and the 2 - 110 inch fabrics)
the 3 Chaffarcani's cost 24.95 US $
Goto the Online-Shop


2 yards rest
BEIGE96 Raisins et Melon ecru allover Polycotton
Raisins et Melon ecru allover Polycotton (BEIGE96)
WEISS39 Framboise blanc allover
Framboise blanc allover (WEISS39)
BEIGE114 Citrons et Oranges ecru allover
Citrons et Oranges ecru allover (BEIGE114)
2 yards rest
BUNT12 Arantza blanc-rose stripes
Arantza blanc-rose stripes (BUNT12)
WEISS40 Cerise blanc allover
Cerise blanc allover (WEISS40)
BLAU81 Citron Mimosas bleu allover
Citron Mimosas bleu allover (BLAU81)
BUNT34 Fruta multicolor allover
Fruta multicolor allover (BUNT34)
BUNT39 Limones blanc allover
Limones blanc allover (BUNT39)
BEIGE69 Citrus et Tournesol ecru allover
Citrus et Tournesol ecru allover (BEIGE69)
WEISS29280 Fleurs et fruits blanc allover 110 inches wide
Fleur et fruits blanc allover 110 inches (WEISS29280)
BUNT40 Citrus ecru allover
Citrus ecru allover (BUNT40)
ORANGE18B Menton orange stripes COATED
Menton orange stripes COATED (ORANGE18B)
GRUEN26 Menton vert stripes
Menton vert stripes (GRUEN26)
GRUEN26B Menton vert stripes COATED
Menton vert stripes COATED (GRUEN26B)
BLAU37 Menton bleu stripes
Menton bleu stripes (BLAU37)
BLAU37B Menton bleu stripes COATED
Menton bleu stripes COATED (BLAU37B)
BEIGE127 Citron Mimosas ecru allover
Citron Mimosas ecru allover (BEIGE127)
BEIGE127B Citron Mimosas ecru allover COATED
Citron Mimosas ecru allover COATED (BEIGE127B)
these normal cotton fabrics cost 21.95 US $ per yard - coated fabrics (green background) 24.95 US $ per yard and Zucchero coated 26.95 US $ and Prunes 36,90 US $
Goto the Online-Shop


BUNT35 Veranda multicolor allover
Veranda multicolor allover (BUNT35)
BUNT22B Plamas rouge allover COATED
Palamas rouge allover COATED (BUNT22B)
GELB59 Beuacaire jaune allover
Beaucaire jaune allover (GELB59)

ROSA14 Paradou rose mouche allover

Paradou rose mouche allover (ROSA14)
GRAUROSA1 Constance taupe-rose stripes
Constance taupe-rose stripes (GRAUROSA1


ROT40 Mataiva rouge allover

Mataiva rouge allover (ROT40)

ROSA3 Sandrine rose stripes

Sandrine rose stripes (ROSA3)
BUNT26 Chamring beige-rose allover
Charming beige-rose allover (BUNT26)


WEISS20 Paradou blanc-vert stripes

Paradou rayure blanc-vert stripes (WEISS20)

ORANGE19 Suzette orange allover

Suzette orange allover (ORANGE19)

WEISS54 Figuerolles blanc allover

Figuerolles blanc allover (WEISS54)
BLAU64 Petunia bleu allover
Petunia bleu allover (BLAU64)



BLAUWEISS18 Roses bleu-blanc allover

Roses bleu-blanc allover (BLAUWEISS18)


WEISS23 Fleurs heureuse blanc allover

Fleurs heureuse blanc allover (WEISS23)


BEIGE25 Rose Lavande ecru-rose stripes
Rose Lavande ecru-rose stripes (BEIGE25)

WEISS53 Figuerolles blanc stripes

Figuerolles blanc stripes (WEISS53)

BLAU33 Antonia bleu allover

Antonia bleu allover (BLAU33)
ROSA20 Constance rose stripes
Constance rose stripes (ROSA20)
BEIGE126 Cerisier indigo allover
Cerisier indigo allover (BEIGE126


BEIGE106 Roses rose-ecru-allover
Roses rose-ecru allover (BEIGE106)
BUNT27 Leonie ecru-rouge allover
Leonie ecru-rouge allover (BUNT27

BLAU58 Suzette bleu allover

Suzette bleu allover (BLAU58)

ROT43B Gerbera rouge allover COATED

Gerbera rouge allover COATED (ROT43B
BEIGE125 Cerisier fuschia allover
Cerisier fuschia allover (BEIGE125)


BEIGE124 Cerisier multicolor allover
Cerisier multicolor allover (BEIGE124)




these normal cotton fabrics cost 21.95 US $ per yard - coated fabrics (green background) 24.95 US $ per yard
Goto the Online-Shop


STREIFEN7 Biarritz azur STREIFEN6 Capbreton ardoise STREIFEN5 Capbreton Sienne STREIFEN4 Capbreton terracotta STREIFEN3 Biarritz chartreuse STREIFEN2 Biarritz ambre STREIFEN1 Biarritz corail
Biarritz corail (STREIFEN1)
sold out
Biarritz ambre (STREIFEN2)
sold out
Biarritz chartreuse (STREIFEN3)
sold out
Capbreton terracotta (STREIFEN4)
Capbreton sienne (STREIFEN5)
Capbreton ardoise (STREIFEN6)
Biarritz azur (STREIFEN7)
sold out
STREIFEN9B Aventure grenadelle stripes COATED
Aventure grenadelle stripes COATED (STREIFEN9B)
STREIFEN10B Aventure lin stripes COATED
Aventure lin stripes COATED (STREIFEN10B)
STREIFEN11 Larrau orange stripes
Larrau orange stripes (STREIFEN11)
LILA§ Vence lilas stripes
Vence lilas stripes (LILA3)
all these 7 fabrics cost 23.95 US $ per yard


Goto the Online-Shop


WEISS33 Petit calisson blanc-bleu allover
Petit calisson blanc-bleu allover (WEISS33)
GRUEN40 Grasse vert stripes
Grasse vert stripes (GRUEN40)
2 yards rest
GELBBLAU3 Tradition JAUNE stripes
Tradition jaune stripes (GELBBLAU3)
GELB7 Tradition JAUNE allover
Tradition jaune allover (GELB7)
ROT5 Tradition ROUILLE stripes
Tradition rouille stripes (ROT5)
ROT6 Tradition ROUILLE allover
Tradition rouille allover (ROT6)
SCHWARZBEIGE2 Petit calisson noir allover
Petit calisson noir allover (SCHWARZBEIGE2)

BEIGE56 Provencale calisson bleu-beige allover

Provencale calisson bleu-beige allover (BEIGE56)
SCHWARZBEIGE1 Petit calisson noir stripes
Petit calisson noir stripes (SCHWARZBEIGE1)
BLAUWEISS19 Petit calisson bleu-blanc stripes
Petit calisson bleu-blanc stripes (BLAUWEISS19)
BLAU45 Bastide marine stripes
Bastide marine stripes (BLAU45)
1 yard rest
BLAU72 Bastide marine allover
Bastide marine allover (BLAU72)
ROSA12 Tradition rose stripes
Tradition rose stripes (ROSA12)
WEISS49 Tradition rose allover
Tradition rose allover (WEISS49)
BLAU73 Grasse bleu stripes
Grasse bleu stripes (BLAU73)
ROSA1 Provencaou rose stripes
Provencaou rose stripes (ROSA1)
ROTBEIGE5 Petit calisson rouge allover
Petit calisson rouge allover (ROTBEIGE4)
BORDEAUX15 Fayence bordeaux allover
Calisson beige allover (BEIGE117)
BLAU18 Calisson ciel allover
Calisson ciel allover (BLAU18)
BLAU74 Bastide lavande allover
Bastide lavande allover (BLAU74)
ORANGE14 Calisson orange allover
Calisson orange allover (ORANGE18)
these normal cotton fabrics cost 21.95 US $ per yard - coated fabrics (green background) 24.95 US $ per yard
Goto the Online-Shop


ROSA8 Jobby rose stripes
Jobby rose stripes (ROSA8)
BLAU66 Cigales bleu-jaune stripes
Cigales bleu-jaune stripes (BLAU66)
BLAUWEISS25 Moustier bleu stripes
Moustier bleu stripes (BLAUWEISS25)


3 yards rest

BEIGE47  Palmette ecru allover

Palmette ecru allover (BEIGE47)
GELB60 Coquelicot jaune allover
Coquelicot jaune allove (GELB60)
BEIGE108 Piou Piou ivoire allover
Piou Piou ivoire allover (BEIGE108)


BLAU66B Cigales bleu-jaune stripes COATED
Cigales bleu-jaune stripesCOATED (BLAU66B)
BLAU59 Cigalou bleu clair allover
Cigalou bleu clair allover (BLAU59)
BEIGE104 Carte de vins ecru allover
Carte de vins ecru allover (BEIGE104)
OCKER24 Cigalou ocre allover
Cigalou ocre allover (OCKER24)


BUNT33B Espadrille multicolor allover COATED
Espadrille multi allover (BUNT33B)


BUNT33 Espadrille multicolor allover
Espadrille multi allover (BUNT33)
ROSA4  Moustier rose stripes
Moustier rose stripes (ROSA4)
GRAU22 Cigalou gris allover
Cigalou gris allover (GRAU22)
BEIGE75 Histoire de papillons bleu allover
Histoire de papillons bleu allover (BEIGE75)
GRAU5 Histoire de papillons rouge allover
Histoire de papillons rouge allover (GRAU5)
BUNT13 Cafe au carre
Cafe au carre (BUNT13)
GRUEN35B Gazon vert allover COATED
Gazon vert allover coated (GRUEN35B)
BUNT10 Port Crouesty panorama
Port Crouesty panorama (BUNT10)
BUNT28 Bidart rouge allover
Bidart rouge allover (BUNT28)
GRUEN50 Cigalou vert allover
Cigalou vert allover (GRUEN50)
BEIGE72 Pompadour lilas allover
Pompadour lilas allover (BEIGE72)
BEIGE73 Pompadour rouge allover
Pompadour rouge allover (BEIGE73)
WEISS21 Eglantine blanc-rouge allover
Eglantine blanc-rouge allover (WEISS21)
ROT39 Cigalou rouge allover
Cigalou rouge allover (ROT39)
BLAU79 Cigalou bleu allover
Cigalou bleu allover (BLAU79)
BEIGE111 Fiorellino Lorraine taupe-orange stripes
Fiorellino taupe-orange stripes (BEIGE111)
BEIGE113 Cocorico beige allover
Cocorico beige allover (BEIGE113)
BEIGE113B Cocorico beige allover COATED
Cocorico beige allover COATED (BEIGE113B)
BUNT16B Xia anis allover COATED
Xia anis allover COATED (BUNT16B)
BUNT20 Fuji bleu allover
Fuji bleu allover (BUNT20)
BUNT41 Orient express allover
Orient express allover (BUNT41)
BEIGE123 Coquelicot ecru allover
Coquelicot ecru allover (BEIGE123)
these normal cotton fabrics cost 21.95 US $ per yard / BEIGE66 110 inch wide and cost 36,90 US $ and GRAU6 24.95 US $ per yard
Goto the Online-Shop


1 yard rest
BEIGE20 Culla ecru stripes
Culla ecru stripes (BEIGE20)
2 yards rest
BEIGE21 Culla ecru allover
Culla ecru allover (BEIGE21)
BLAU61 Zalea bleu allover
Zalea bleu allover (BLAU61)
BLAU60 Zambra bleu allover
Zambra bleu allover (BLAU60)
ROT48 Colmiane rouge stripes
Colmiane rouge stripes (ROT48)
GRAU10 Palette d'artiste bleu allover
Palette de artiste bleu allover (GRAU10)
BLAU76 Sisteron  adriatique COATED
Jacquard Sisteron adriatique COATED (BLAU76)
GRAU21 Sisteron perle COATED
Jacquard Sisteron perle COATED (GRAU21)
GELB58 Jacquard Mistral rouge-jaune COATED
Jacquard Mistral rouge-jaune COATED (ROT51)
Goto the Online-Shop

All my printed fabrics are:

100% cotton (washable until 100°F and shrink about 3% to 6%)

Yardage from the "rôle"

width 59 inches up to 80 inches

The fabrics are to light for upholstery !!!

My fabrics are super quality, as you can see in my eBay feedback in Germany. At the bottom I posted some eBay feedback from the USA.

I saw many bad printed and "flat" fabrics. The precision of the details and the depth sharpness of the fabrics inspire me and my wife again and again.

some references: our eBay feedback in the USA

  • We are also selling in eBay USA.
  • Also in USA we have of course 100% positive entries.
  • Here are a few of them:
Prompt shipping, professional service, lovely product. Thank you!
BEAUTIFUL FABRIC, helpful and easy to deal with. Thanks
Gorgeous piece! Thank you! :-)
great vendor prompt delivery love the fabric thanks
Item as described! Beautiful fabric!! Quick ship!! Thanks!!
C'st parfait! Merci beaucoups! Highly recommended :-)
This fabric is so beautiful! Don't know when it got here, But it is FABULOUS!
This seller is so great and the fabric is just gorgeous!! Buy with confidence!
Really professional. Really great fabric. Will definately buy again!
Excellente transaction and timely shipping - Thanks

Here you can see the feedbacks in eBay USA. our US account "bonne-provence".

Every PIN a customer in 2011. Its just to give you an idea, how professional we work.

Very seldom you are asked by UPS to pay app. 12 per cent customs fees. This happend only in 8 cases out of more than 430 shipments. (Its was not related to the value of the goods or the state in the USA. (It was not related to the value of the goods or the state in the USA. It was 400 US $ for "AZ", 95 US $ for "CT", 180 US $ and twice 370 US $ for "NY", 100 US $ and 650 US $ for "CA" and 500 US $ for "MA")

send a email to Bonne-Provence

direct to:

Ind. Flowers

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